
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Strange Weather and Work outs

We have had some really weird weather lately. Such a mild winter, hardly any snow and then this.
This is the picture out my kitchen window

Then after the snow was over, our snowplow guy came and in 24 hours it looked we never had any snow at all. We have a little snow now.

Here is the latest Quilt that I have been working on
It was a wedding gift, however I am not great a taking pictures so here is hubby holding it up in the kitchen.
It was made from a Bali Pop can't remember the name.

Next is the most recent "DECENT" photo of me, in the last little while. I have a lot of extra weight as you can see. I have been doing aqua fit for about a year and I love it. However it has not produced to many results so I have been trying something new. First I have am doing the aqua fit about 4 times a week. I also now have personal trainer, Natalie with whom I workout three times a week on the nautilus equipment lifting weights. I am also using a program on the web where you track everything you eat and it give you a report each day on how you did.

Hubby's shoulder is very bad and so we are seeing an orthopaedic surgeon next week and after that \i am off on a bus trip to Lancaster Penn for a quilt show and some mega shopping.  More about those later.
I am going to try to post once a week from now on, I seem to be slipping.

I am going to be the Web mistress for our guild,  any of you had any experience in this area if so what program did you use.  Have a great week!

Hugs and Stitches