
Sunday, January 22, 2012


With all of the wedding quilt making and preparations for going away I was a little late in getting my first three weeks of the Take a Stitch Tuesday sampler ready. So better late than never here it is.

Week one fly stitch
Week two buttonhole
Week three  feather stitch

Family Wedding

So much to tell! Last weekend Mom and I attended a family wedding. My Mom had one brother who had eight children. Most of them are married now with their own children and their children have children. So this past weekend my cousin Ricks' daughter Amanda got married.  You can imagine how large a family wedding it. It was absolutely wonderful so great to see all my family.

The wedding took place at Queens Landing Hotel in Niagara-on-the-Lake, a vintage hotel which was absolutely beautiful. Mom and I made Amanda and her new husband Aaron a quilt, as a wedding gift.

I have never attended a wedding where there were so many babies and tots. Here is a picture of Mom and baby Luca, age 82 and age 2 weeks).

Mom and Luca
Mom having a lunchtime cocktail
    Luca had his own little necktie own. What a darling baby. The hotel was still decorated for Christmas it was breathtaking. We had just had a small bit of snow a few days before making it very picturesque.

Amanda and Aaron

The table and room

Bridal Party
Christmas Decorations

Robin and Amanda photo
The very sad part was that my cousins wife (Robin) passed away just a week before the wedding and although it was not unexpected it was definitely hard on Rick, Amanda and the whole family.  It was so touching when the JP asked Rick, "who gave this woman?" , he responded Robin and I do and he lit a candle placed next to her picture.  

Robin was a lovely lady and wanted her daughter to have the wedding of her dreams and she surely did.

My pictures of the Quilt aren't very good as naturally I waited until the last minute to take them and had to rush to wrap the gift. Believe me is it prettier than it looks.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Yellow and Blue Quilt, Bricks and Blocks

Happy 2012.

At our guild we have a sewing afternoon after our monthly morning quilt guild (Kawartha Quiltmakers) meetings. Usually someone in our guild teaches us a simple pattern and then we spend the rest of the afternoon sewing. At the meeting in the prior month the projects is shown to the group and then a list of supplies are put in our next Newsletter, which is sent to us by email ahead of time. If you are interested in making that project then you have lots of time to get your supplies ready before the meeting.

We have a nice time, at our sewing afternoons. Most of us who stay bring our lunch which we eat quickly so that we can get on with the sewing. I have always wanted to make a yellow and blue quilt, so when I saw that we were going to make the Bricks and Blocks pattern I thought this was a great time to use up some scraps. I when through all of my blue scraps and cut them up and used one yellow to try and unify the look. Once I finished with the body of the quilt I went through my stash to find the two bindings.

I like the way it came out and my plan is to quilt it myself in a simple line design. But we will see, I may cave in and send it out to be long armed. I still have a huge stash of yellow and blues for another quilt and I have another idea for that so you might see it later this year.

I have another quilt being long armed at the moment but it is a wedding gift for later this month, so I will have to wait to post the photos until after D-Day or should I say Wedding Day.
Gotta go now and prep for the New Years Day Dinner.