
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Clean and Tidy Sewing Room

Tidy Sewing Room
I have a very small sewing room in this house, and after the hubbub of Christmas, it was a mess. It is that room in the house where, whenever I bring something into the house and don't know where to put it, I say to hubby put it in the sewing room. So now I have clean and put away everything that I can.

By your standards this may not be as clean or tidy as yours but for me this is as good as it gets,

Sewing Room right after we Moved In


I share my sewing room with the computer as well as an extensive library of quilting books, a TV etc.etc. I am pleased that it is now cleaned up and I can begin finishing some projects.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Great Giveaway- $50 Gift Certificate Fat Quarter Shop

There is a great giveaway over at Pigtales and Quilts. So head on over and put your name in. If you mention I sent you I will get another chance.

Great Day At Guild

I had a very good day at Guild. We had a guest speaker from Lang Pioneer Village who came to talk to us about the textiles that they have at the Museum.

We also had lots of talk about our upcoming Quilt Show in April. Nothing like a Quilt Show to get you in the mood to finish something eh!   So far I have volunteer to demonstrate some Yo-yo's, and some English  Paper Piecing (hexagons) and there will be a large Quilt there and  I have volunteered to do some hand quilting on it.

A great show and tell today. Lots of inspiration. Too bad I didn't have my camera!

In the afternoon I stayed with a friend to do some sewing and there was demo's on Labels, sleeves and binding.

Tonight the Canadian Junior's play the Russian in Hockey so I guess I will sit with  Hubby and watch for the evening and hand sew.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

New Year, New Goals

Another year of Quilty projects unfinished. A time to reflect, take stock of those projects.

Do I want to finish them ?

Do I still like them ?

Do I want to  trash it?

Offer it to a friend to finish?

Bundle it up for my Guilds Annual Trunk sale? (We sell stuff from the trunks of our car)

Donate it to a local charity unfinished but packaged.?

I will ponder these and other of lives mysteries, such as New Years Resolutions!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year and The Winner Is.........................


The Winner of the Crazy Patchwork Book and Embellishments is Nanci.... over at
Quilting At the Cottage.

Congratulations Nanci, I will be emailing you for your Address.