
Monday, August 30, 2010

Heart Health

Today I am wearing a holter monitor. It is part of my cardiology work up. After this and one more test I go back to the Cardiologist to find out how the old ticker and pipes are fairing. It is really not obtrusive or uncomfortable and it is only for two days.

Now about the Cpap machine. I am very pleased with how well it is working. I must admit it does take some getting used to but it is worth it and when you think that your body and brain is being deprived of air, what choice do you have.  I sleep better through the night, I don't wake up as often and not nearly as many trips to the loo, in the night. I really do have more energy, however I still have to have a wee nap in the afternoon. That of course is just habit because if I am out in the afternoon,  I don't think about it at all.
Wednesday is my day guild meeting, after our summer break and I have looked at the program for the fall and see that Renske Helmuth is going to come and teach a two day class on Sashiko and Orchids. I am sooooo thrilled. 

 Here us a picture from her web site
Her work is exquisite and she has won so many awards.

Today is Shadow's birthday she is seven. She got two new toys for her birthday and as an extra treat some Salmon in her dinner bowl. She is a love and so affectionate.


Monday, August 23, 2010

A Sock, One down and one to go

Lately I have not done any been sewing by machine but have done some hand work and knitting.

Here is my "almost" first attempt at a sock. I did make one other pair a while ago but didn't get around to taking pictures of those.

I know the sock may look rather short but I am knitting them for my Mom for bed socks and she said that the last pair I made were a bit to long. Anyway this is my attempt at knitting on 3 needles. I think I will try knitting them on circular needles next. I am told it is easier.

I am still attending aquafit classes at the wellness centre and getting geared up for the return of Guild in another week or so.

I just received the Canadian Quilters Assoc. Newsletter Magazine with lots of info on the next Quilt Ontario, to be held in Ottawa next May. I am so looking forward to that I am pouring over the classes trying to decide what to pick as my first second and third choices for the classes.

I just picked up my SUV from the dealer today for a repair. It has been squeaking for the last 2-3 months and driving me crazy. First is was difficult for them to diagnose because it would never squeak when I took it into them. Next I had to wait almost two months for the brake part to come from Korea. It was finally fixed today, so I hope I don't have to take it back for while. I can tell you it has sure taken all the fun out of own a new vehicle.