
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Caught the young man

Just an update that the police arrested a 14 year old for starting the fire. He is being held without bail for another couple of weeks before another hearing. I am sure that he must have used gasoline or something like that  because the flames were spectacularly high.

It sounds at thought they are planning to rebuild/repair the bridge, but it sure has cause a lot of extra work and inconvenience for a lot of people.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Big Fire Behind our House

There is a small old wooden bridge about 5 houses up the street and behind our house. It gives people access to about 80 homes which we call "The Point". About 4:30 this afternoon there was a huge fire it appears that someone may have set a fire and the bridge was up in flames in a matter of minutes. 
By the time I got there most of the flames were out, but fire and police will be here investigating overnight.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I am so Mad at myself!!!

As you know I have just moved to town a couple of months ago. Last month I attended my first "new" Quilt Guild meeting and was so looking forward to this months. I had organized myself for tomorrow, packed my lunch to stay after the meeting sew for the afternoon, got my library books organized etc. Thinking that meeting was thursday.

What did I do you say.................!

The meeting was today and I got the day wrong. !

I am so mad at myself I could scream. On the up side hubby and I have begun attending the Wellness centre so while I was should have been at the meeitng I was attending an Aquafit class.Grrrrrrrrr.

OH I FORGOT TO TELL YOU ABOUT SHADOW! Last week we took her to Doggy Daycare. When we went to get her they told us every time she tried to pee she would cry. So we stopped on the way home at the Vet's and was told to get a sample and bring her back at 4 pm. Don't think that isn't fun following your dog around with a tin foil pie plate trying to place it under quick when she squats. But Halleluah I got one. Vet said the PH level in her urine was quite high so we had to change her to distilled water and a course of antibiotics and then follow up with them. So far the worst thing has been trying to get the pills into her.   

Has anyone had a similar experience?

Monday, April 05, 2010

New Car? or Truck

Hubby and I are having an small battle he is calling it a car and I am calling it a truck, either way we both love it. We traded my little red Accent on this nice new Kia Sportage.

It beautiful black with tan leather interior, moonroof, cruise, air etc, etc, etc. I am busy making backseat covers for it so that the dog can ride in style and comfort without putting her nails through my nice upholstery.

I attended the Trent Quilters Evening group last thursday and really enjoyed it. Special thanks to Trish who emailed me to tell me about it and then nicely met me and introduced herself  to me at the meeting. It sure made me feel more welcome. What a great group of ladies and one gentleman.