
Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Our New Home - Decorating

Here is a picture of my Mom in her now living room, soon to be my living room. I am currently thinking about how and where I plan to put my furniture.  In the basement of house we saved my grandmothers chesterfield and a couple of her chairs. I have always loved them and we are planning on having them reupholstered before we move, so they will be ready for us when we arrive. I sort of have this dreamy picture in my head of what I want it to look like but somehow I don't quite have the decorating savy to put it all together.

I am so happy to be moving back to my home town. I think that it will be funny for a while being the home owner of the house I grew up in, but I am sure we will can figure it out.

Here is the sofa and chair I am going to have recovered.

 This final picture is the view that my husband and I will have every meal as we sit at our kitchen table. Now you can see why my mother didn't want to move so we added on to her house.

Sunday, November 01, 2009


Yea, we have sold our house and are very happy. We don't close until the end of January but that is fine with us. It will give of lots of time to pack and I have to help my Mom pack and move over to her side of the house. Once that is over there are some renovations that are going to be done to our home and then have all of the carpets cleaned before we move in, so I will still be very busy. Then throw in Christmas, New Years etc and I think I might have a thing or two to keep me busy.

The construction on Mom's Granny flat  is well past this stage. The outside is complete and they are drywalling and finishing the interior now.

We had some other good news today our niece has become engaged. No news on a wedding date yet.