
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Friends in Stitch

Tonight my kindred group are getting together for a Christmas (a little late) pot luck and social. Our group has 7 members but one of our group moved to England and we try to get together once or twice a year when she comes home.

We call our group, 'friends in stitches" as I think I have mentioned we work on Charity quilts when we get together it is usually an excuse to stitch and bitch and get out of the house. Today I am making a black bean salad as my contribution to the meal.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Happy New Year

Had a great day with friends yesterday. My Kindred Group "friends in stitches". We meed at least once per month and sew or talk and share what we are working on and also usually have a group project on the go that we are working on together.

Yesterday we met for our Christmas pot luck lunch. Everyone brought something and as usual we had way to much food and it was all delicous. WE exchanged Christmas present. I made scissor keepers and fobs for everyone.

I received some lovely gifts from my friends. It such a blessing to had such wonderful friends.